The Education of the Heart
CALL US: 408-649-6489
1334 Ridder Park Dr., San Jose, CA 95131
Online After School Programs
Ages: 5 to 14 yrs old
Session 1: 8/24~9/18 (No class on 9/7 Labor Day)
Session 2: 9/21~10/16
Session 3: 10/19~11/13
Session 4: 11/16~12/18 (We will have one week off during Thanksgiving week 11/23~11/27.)
Two Programs are offered:
1. 低年級中文 Chinese for lower grade (K to G2):
童趣中文 “Delight in Chinese”, 弟子規 Di-Zi-Gui
Mon-Thu 2:30PM - 3:15PM
2. 非華裔中文 Chinese As Second Language for Non-Chinese speaker (G3 to G8):
快樂學華語 “Happy Chinese”
Tue-Thu 3:30PM - 4:15PM
1-on-1 Homework Help and Fun Friday activities included
For detailed class descriptions, please click on the buttons on the right.
(華裔高年級中文籌備中, 請有興趣的家長也填寫此表。
Heritage Chinese for the upper-grade class is TBD. Please fill out the form if you are interested.)
Minimum participants in class: 5
Maximum participants in class: 15
Fees & Discounts:
$240/session (4 weeks)
Siblings have 10% discount
Existing Enlighten Heart after school students get 10% discount. Cannot combine with other discounts.
上課方式 Class format: Zoom
報名付費後寄出 Zoom ID. We will provide the class zoom info after receiving registration and payment.
特色 Our characteristics:
- 每週一次一對一線上家教 Weekly One-on-one online HW Help by scheduling (~30 min)
- 關心孩子的學業和身心 Focus on both academic learning and the student’s mental well-being